Disability Access Consultants


Creative Solutions to Increase Access

Product Certification

ASN provide a product certification service that undertakes assessments of products that are intended to be utilised by people with disability. The assessments that are undertaken consist on physical measurements of the product and / or scaled PDF plans. To have a product certified as ACCESSIBLE please contact us. For further information about disability certified accessible products please read below. The information below consists of:

Why should a product be

Certified as ACCESSIBLE

Equal Access

In Australia it is unlawful to discriminate, or in other words - to not provide Equal Access to products, based on no disability access. Therefore, it is essential to have products reviewed and confirmed that it is not discriminating against people with disability.


Once a product has been reviewed, and if the review establishes that the product is certified accessible, a PDF stamp will be issue which can be used on all promotional and marketing materials.

Increased Sales

By ensuring products are usable for people with disability it increase the amount of the market that can be captured, and in turn increased sales. There are many funding opportunities that can assist when a product is or has features that are for people with disability.

What is the Certification Stamp?

Each product that is reviewed receives a stamp stating the level of compliance achieved. these are shown below, and can be used for  promotional materials and the like. 

***Note:- the stamps shown below are samples and can only be used for then product listed below.***

ASN maintains a register of all certified products and should a product suppler claim that a product has a certification stamp – customers and the like can approach ASN to cross reference our register.

accessible products
disability usable
disability products

What does the certification mean?

It’s important to understand that the certification stamp, and the certification process does not meet / is not a requirement of any legislative process, Australian Standard, Act or Code. This certification process offered by ASN is to provide a level of confidence to the purchaser and end users that the product has features that either fully comply with minimum Australian Standards for disability access or have features that increase access and usability.

Our certifications are extremely detailed and either are directly assessed against specific legislative requirements or are put through a series of physical tests to ascertain the level of compliance and disability access / usability.

It is our aim to ensure that all items that are sold within the disability access industry have had a certification process undertaken and a certification stamp associated with the product/s.

How to have a certification completed?

The process of having a product certified is very straight forward. In most cases we are able to undertake the certification process digitally / via schematic design documents (dimensioned PDF Files are perfect). ASN will undertake the certification assessment and issue a Letter of Advice (LOA) with the details of the certicifcation assessment including the results of the certification. There are three (3) possible outcomes.
  • Product is fully compliant and the Blue stamp is issued.
  • Product is partially (meaning that not all elements meet minimum requirements but the product is still considered to have accessible features) and the Orange stamp is issued.
  • Product is not accessible (meaning that all elements do not meet minimum requirements) and the Red stamp is issued.

Compliance is NOT an option - Obtain a no obligation quote TODAY.

If there is anything that we can assist with – just ask.